The Intro: I’m Shook!
I will literally always remember the moment in October 2020 when I was sitting at a red light and happened to look down at my phone. I had an email notification from… the Phoenix Suns? “This can’t be real.” I thought. I pulled over and opened the email only to read that the team was interested in potentially commissioning me for a painting that told the story of the Black history of Arizona.
I was asked to submit a short written proposal breaking down what I would like to create and after their review they would let me know if they wanted to move forward. So me being me, I knew a written proposal would not do my ideas justice and I needed them to not only see what I was trying to do, but to feel it. So I spent a weekend researching and sketching. I submitted a sketch and full breakdown of every little detail. I honestly thought to myself “Antoinette, why are you being so extra? They asked for a brief outline and you are giving them all of this? Girl… they might think you are too much!”

I was really nervous about my proposal. I wasn't sure if they would like it or if they would think I was too much and not want to work with me. But, it was actually the opposite. They loved my proposal so much that not only did Arizona State historians not ask me to change any details, but they ended up using my proposal as an example for what they wanted from other artists.
At the time I had been planning to go to Germany for an artist residency in January of 2021 and I had to convince the Suns to still allow me to paint the piece in my studio in Berlin. They agreed to mail the canvas to me as long as I could deliver video footage and handle shipping back. I definitely underestimated the stress, anxiety and depression I would experience in my first months in Berlin. All of these things made it exceptionally hard for me to work on this piece. I had to keep reminding myself how important it was not only for me but for my city and for the Black community in Phoenix. With a ton of determination and hyperfocus, I was able to complete it and ship it off to Arizona!

The Finished Painting:
“The Lights Will Lead You There” Acrylic on Canvas, 60”x96” (5x8ft)

The Symbolism and Breakdown:
For this painting I wanted to put an emphasis on South Phoenix. I spent a lot of my youth in South Phoenix and it's always had a big piece of my heart. In my research I learned that Black Phoenicians were segregated to the South Side until the 70’s. The South Mountain lights were a must as I've always seen them as a guide home. I also included two real kids from South Phoenix because they represent our future. Jade (who has posed for several paintings of mine including the infamous Tupac piece) is wearing a Bridget Pettis jersey. Bridget was a player and coach for the Phoenix Mercury and recently founded a ten acre community garden on the South Side. She represents not only pieces of Phoenix’s history, but she represents what is happening now. Jade is also holding a fox stuffed animal, a tribute to Fred Snowden aka "The Fox", the first Black head coach for U of A and for any university basketball team in the states.

LJ is wearing a Charlie Scott Jersey. Charlie Scott was the first Black Phoenix Suns player (1970) and the first Black player for North Carolina, opening doors for players like Michael Jordan and Vince Carter to eventually play for the school.
I included a sun that replicates the Civil right monument at Eastlake Park. As a staple of the Black community and a civil rights hub in the 60’s, East Lake Park was a must to include in this piece. In the distance is an image of George Washington Carver High School, the first Black school in Arizona. There are also pine trees to represent McNary, AZ, the first Black city in Arizona back in the 60s.
While there is so much more to the Black history of Arizona, I did my best to include as much as I could in this piece while staying true to my voice.

What Makes This Painting Extra Special For Me:
First of all, what a total honor to be asked by my hometown NBA team to create a piece that represents my culture in my home state of their arena. I am still kind of blown away by the fact that I actually was commissioned by the Phoenix Suns. This piece was special for so many reasons but one thing I have reflected a lot on is my love of basketball as a youth and how much it influenced my work and my hustle. I literally found ways as a teenager to use my art to meet some of my absolute favorite NBA and And1 players including Tracy McGrady, Hot Sauce and so many more. Life was so hard growing up for a multitude of reasons but my art and my hustle gave me meaning, purpose and something positive to focus on.
I was OBSESSED with basketball when I was a teenager. Every morning I would wake up and watch NBA TV while I got ready for school and every game I could watch, I did. I played basketball for a few years and even went on to coach in my early 20’s. My first major commission came when I was 15 years old and I was asked by an NBA agent to create a portrait of five of his players. Now, seventeen years later I have a painting hanging in the Phoenix Suns Arena. What a full circle moment!
My painting is a part of the Suns Cultural Arena Wall that just opened Friday, May 7th. It is one of four paintings done by four different artists representing four different cultures in Arizona. I can't explain how amazing it felt to see a picture of it for the first time! since I was not able to be there to see it in person before the public, I invited Jade, LJ and their family to go in my place. It was a beautiful thing to see these kids and their family in front of the painting.

In Conclusion:
It's been hard AF adjusting to things in Germany. I can’t even begin to explain how difficult this transition has been for me. It is by far one of the hardest things I've ever done. But knowing that my painting is hanging back in Phoenix in the arena reminds me that home is always there waiting for me and cheering me on. This reminds me that Phoenix has me up on its shoulders and will always champion for me no matter where I am in the world.
I'm just really honored and humbled in this moment. I am a little overwhelmed with emotions. But just really grateful. To the Phoenix Suns and to everyone who has ever supported me, thank you.